In 2011, Japan received significant aid to help with the Tohoku Earthquake disaster. We gained strength and courage from various countries around the world from their generous aid and support. To convey our appreciation and thanks, we decided to engage in various cross border ocean challenges starting with a challenge to swim to Taiwan.
We initially swam the 150km from Yonaguni, the southernmost island in Japan to Taiwan. Over the course of 3 days in a relay of 6 people, we swam the 150km from Yonaguni, Japan to Taiwan. On our swimcaps, we had the flags of Japan and Taiwan and the words “Thank you Taiwan”.
In Taiwan, we were received with a grand ceremony and we were able to convey the gratitude of Japan to the Taiwanese people for the generosity they expressed through the aid they provided to the revitalization efforts of Japan post the Tohoku Earthquake.